Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Forgiveness Option

1. 斑馬深愛著小鹿,表達愛意時卻遭到拒絕。   
2. 熊貓深愛著小象,表達愛意時卻遭到拒絕。
3. 小雞深愛著小鴨,表達愛意時卻遭到拒絕。
4. 蜘蛛深愛著螞蟻,表達愛意時卻遭到拒絕。

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life is full of opportunities to practice the habit of "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." The other day I found myself interrupting someone in mid-sentence. She had to tell me "Let me finish." And I appreciate that learning moment. I'm grateful that she was assertive enough to tell me that.

"Seek first to understand" starts with letting someone else finishing their sentence and their thoughts.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Get set and go

Get set and go
Originally uploaded by allnode
When I grew up in Hong Kong many years ago, people typically would not have waited for the traffic signals to cross the street. HK people were impatient and did not behave then according to regulations. Well, they have changed now. They do wait for the green lights. Goes to show people can change.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Faith and Listening

According to John Maxwell and Jim Dornan a "person of influence" has faith in people and has the capacity to listen to them.

Here are some quotes about faith:
  1. When you believe in people, the do the impossible.
  2. Difficulties seldom defeat people, lack of faith in themselves usually does it.
In last LPG meeting, we shared perspectives on:
  1. What is faith?
  2. What does it have to do with trust?
  3. What does it have to do with prior evidence?
  4. Are you someone who grants trust first?
  5. Or, do you expect that trust must be earned?
We also discuss the merits of the following techniques to become a believer in people:
  1. Believe in them before they succeed.
  2. Emphasize their strength.
  3. List their past successes.
  4. Instill confidendence when they fail.
  5. Visualize their future success
  6. Put them in a position to experience small successes
A person of Influence...listens to other people. We talked about the following:
  1. No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next.
  2. Be impressed and interested, not impressive and interesting.
  3. The best way to impress someone is to let them impress you.

The slides we used to trigger our LPG conversations can be found here.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Motivate In Action

Motivate, according to Maxwell and Dornan, is the second level of the 4M of Model (Model, Motivate, Mentor, Multiply)in "Becoming a Person of Influence".

Last LPG meeting we had good discussions on the meaning of Nurture as an essential element to practice "Motivate".

A person of Influence nurtures other people. And when you nurture others, you give them: "Love, Respect, Sense of Security, Recognition and Encouragement.

Some memorable quotes:

Love: The length and breath of our influence on others are directly related to the depth of our concern for them.

Respect: While love focuses on giving to others, respect shows a willingness to receive from them. Respect acknowledges another person’s ability or potential to contribute.

Sense of Security
People feel secure with you when your actions and words are consistent and conform to a high moral code that includes respect

When a person feels encouraged, he/she can face the impossible and overcome incredible adversity.

Last Thursday, I witnessed Nurturing in action when Kiwanis Rochester helped Harriet Bishop Elementary School form their K-Kid Club.

The adults: Kiwanis members, Harriet Bishop teachers, and PTSA, along with area K-School (Century, JM, Mayo) high school mentors, gave the elementary school students support and encouragement to start their own service club so that the students can develop the passion, skill and commitment to be in service to others.

From Charter K-kids

The kids elected their officers. There were multiple candidates for each office and candidates gave speeches and answer questions from their fellow club members. They showed poised, commitment and ability to think and speak on their feet.

I was inspired by their club charter night and glad to play a small part in it.

And that is Influence in action.

Next Monday, we will continue our journey to Becoming a Person of Influence.

Thursday, March 18, 2010