Here are some quotes about faith:
- When you believe in people, the do the impossible.
- Difficulties seldom defeat people, lack of faith in themselves usually does it.
- What is faith?
- What does it have to do with trust?
- What does it have to do with prior evidence?
- Are you someone who grants trust first?
- Or, do you expect that trust must be earned?
- Believe in them before they succeed.
- Emphasize their strength.
- List their past successes.
- Instill confidendence when they fail.
- Visualize their future success
- Put them in a position to experience small successes
A person of Influence...listens to other people. We talked about the following:
- No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next.
- Be impressed and interested, not impressive and interesting.
- The best way to impress someone is to let them impress you.
The slides we used to trigger our LPG conversations can be found here.