Thursday, January 14, 2010

Travel Tip

This morning's Toastmaster meeting theme was travel tips and experience.

Here was the story that I shared:

On our honeymoon many years ago, my wife and I, courtesy of an IBM assignment. found ourselves in Paris. We went to visit the famous Louvre museum.

At the court yard, urged on by a friendly man who motioned to us that he would like to take a picture of us, naively we stopped and let him click his camera.

It was one of those instant photos. He then came over and asked us to pay something like 10 dollars for it. A great deal of money (at that time)for one photo. We were shocked. and said No.

The man said: "If you didn't want your picture taken. Why did you pose for me?"

We did end up buying the picture.

The lesson is: "Pose only if you want to spend the money."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to be able to read the introduction at a meeting today. The words themselves but the spirit of hearing the words made the experience more fulfilling.
Rich Hartmann