Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where does attention come from?

Do you control your mind? Or, does your mind control you? What is brain and what is mind?
Where does attention come from? Where does interpretation come from? What are 3Ps (prejudices, preferences, principles)? What are principle-based interpretations?

These were some of the questions we talked about last LPG.

We also did an Avatar exercise called "This and That" to let us experience what it's like to direct our attention.

After the exercise, we contemplated on "who/what" were doing the attention directing--Mind or Brain?

Or, could it be as Covey's Habit 1 says "Be Proactive ... We all have a free will". But then what is will? And where does will come from?

Chinese have a saying: "The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon." And I had an impression in our last LPG meeting there were one or two moments, we got pass the finger and felt the moon.

Next LPG meeting's agenda is still open. Let me know if anyone has a preference.

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