Monday, February 2, 2009

How do I feel?

LPG is about member participation. It's also about self-discovery and self-examination with gentle and non-judgmental support from the community. When each of us do it and honestly express our feelings, our actions also encourage others to open up.

Last Friday's LPG meeting about "feelings" is a great example of such an honesty. Members all took the chance to reveal a bit about themselves and how they get in touch with their feelings.

I believe that being able to feel and being aware that we are not our feelings but are the awareness that can watch and observe our feelings and emotions we are beginning to get in touch of our true nature. When we practice to notice and experience the gap between stimulus and response and learn how to accept the moment (emotions or circumstances) as it is, we are in fact improving our Emotional Intelligence.

And whenever two or more of us gather in a deep and accepting way to connect, to support, and to encourage each other, we have what Buddhists call it a sangha and Christians call it a communion. It's a precious moment.

How do I feel? How did I feel? What are the two poles of feelings to every situation? Those were the questions we asked at our last LPG meeting.

Thank you Hoa for leading the last two LPG sessions. We have the next two slots open. All you got to do is raise your hand.

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