Thursday, August 27, 2009

Forgiveness Option

Last LPG we touched upon FACT (Forgiveness, Acceptance, Compassion, True Meaning and Purpose) as ways to attaining Principle-based interpretations.

And we made a pact as a group after the meeting to consciously perform some acts of forgiveness and acceptance. On reflection, I have not always taken advantage of all the opportunities that life had offered me the last two weeks to readily forgive and accept.

In particular, I have fallen short too often of the teachings from Harry Palmer's Forgiveness Option mini-course. He said,

"One realization that you may want to carry with you is that since you have the choice of whether or not to forgive, you also have the choice of whether or not to take offense. Not choosing to be offended is proactive forgiveness."

On too many occasions, I had been critical of people's actions, fallen victim to by my mind's conception of being slighted, overlooked, taken for granted or insulted.

But I also know I need to accept my imperfection and learn to forgive myself.

What about you? What have you learned? What do you think you will learn as we get back together tomorrow to recount our own experience of trying to accept and to forgive.

Ashok's slides on Breathing is available on this LPG page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Carl ...

This is very good stuff, Albert. Thank you for sharing.

So many times, we think forgiveness is condoning an individuals behavior
(s), or minimizing the impacts, etc. We think forgiveness is for them. On
the contrary, forgiveness sets us free.