Friday, December 18, 2009

Making Connections

Why am I still an IBM Toastmaster now that I have retired from IBM?

The obvious answer is that I still want to improve my communication skills: whether it is to continue to develop the confidence and composure to be in front of an audience to MC an event, or to have a chance to practice giving speeches in subject matters (such as globalization, history or diversity) that I care about, or to learn to control my inner doubts and nervousness when asked to talk about something impromptu.

Retired or not, I still nurture a dream to become a motivational speaker--some day.

At my age, I don't know I am that serious about pursuing that dream. Along the way I came to know there is non-verbal communication that is deeper and arguably more inspiring than the technical aspects of speech making. The most basic attribute of communication is making connections with others. And just being present at a TM meeting--listening attentively and supporting the room--is an act of making connections.

Practice making connections is probably the not-so-obvious reason why I am an IBM Toastmaster.

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